20 top attractions in Peru


Peru is still the lost world for many tourists. The life of the Amazon and ancient civilizations keeps many mysteries and secrets. They are what make Peru so attractive. It has unique flora and fauna, nice ocean beaches, painted like a carpet of desert and mountains in which the largest birds on the planet live - the condor has a wingspan of about three meters. It's a real fantasy to see him five meters above you.

The Sacred Valley of the Incas in the Cusco region is the main attraction of the country. There is a railway to the ancient city of Machu Picchu, but you need to know that access for tourist groups is limited. Only 400 people can visit it per day. The mountainous part of Peru is unusually beautiful, in the sky-high city you just want to be silent from the splendor. The only trouble that can happen is altitude sickness. Stock up on Koka leaves and tea - it is great at relieving her symptoms.

The period of Spanish colonization left a huge mark on the architecture of Lima, Arequipa, Cuzco, and left an imprint on the culture of the American Indians. Local residents are not ashamed of national dress. Don't be surprised at girls in colorful skirts and a man's bowler hat. In return, Peru gave Europe corn, potatoes and tomatoes. (What would we do without potatoes?). In the city of Puno on the banks of the Titicaca, there is an excellent ethnographic bazaar. Llama wool products, blankets, ponchos are usually bought here. Local cuisine pleases with abundance and is even listed in the Guinness Book for its variety, but the most Peruvian dish is fried guinea pig.

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What to see in Peru?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a short description.

Machu Picchu

The ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu was discovered by researchers only in 1911. For more than 400 years nothing was known about the city, and the inhabitants of the country of the Incas mysteriously disappeared in the 15th century. The winter residence-sanctuary of the ruler Pachacuteca is located at an altitude of over 2000m. There are only 200 buildings in the city. Construction methods, stone processing methods still remain a mystery.

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca holds many secrets in its waters. Despite the fact that it is located at an altitude of 3812m, sharks and other marine animals are found here, and the rocks have marks of past tides. In 2001, divers discovered the underwater city of Wanaka. The lake is navigable. You can order a two-day tour and visit Puno, explore the reed islands, the Aboriginal village.

Colca Canyon

Kolka is the deepest canyon in the world. Its maximum depth is 4160m. You can climb the highest point of the Cruz del Condor canyon. From the observation deck, you will get great pictures of condor eagles. The inhabitants use the slopes of Kolka for agriculture, creating complex systems of terraces. Tourists also visit the valley of volcanoes and geothermal springs near Chivay.

Desert Nazca

In the Nazca desert, not only rains, but also winds are rare. The unique microclimate allowed the huge geoglyphs to survive. Scientists have not yet figured out the reason for their appearance. Alien or religious signs, just the fantasy of a group of ancient revolutionary artists - nobody knows. They can only be viewed from an airplane window or from the observation tower of the Panamoamerican Highway. From here you can see 3 pictures.

Floating islands of Uros

There are about 40 floating islands on Lake Titicaca. These man-made pieces of land were created by the Uru people in case of war with the Incas. After the fall of their civilization, the river people remained to live on the straw islands. Not only the soil underfoot, but also the houses of the Indians, boats, and household items, consists entirely of reeds.

Cusco city

The navel of the earth, as the word Cusco is literally translated, attracts tourists from all over the world. The former capital of the Incas combines ancient Aboriginal masonry and Spanish colonial style in architecture. Cusco is an open-air museum filled with original local flavor. Every street in this city is under the protection of UNESCO.

The ancient city of Pisak

Just 30 km from Cusco is the ancient city of Pisac. Its streets are divided into quarters, stone houses and the largest ancient cemetery have been preserved. The city is divided into two parts - the temple and the city. A staircase carved into the rock leads to the sacred buildings. There is a small Indian settlement under the Pisac Temple Mount.

Valley of the pyramids of Tukume

The pyramids of Tukume are built of clay stones. The highest ones reach 40m. Corridors with frescoes and bas-reliefs, courtyards, storage rooms have been preserved. There are 26 temples in the valley of the pyramids. Researchers believe that this abandoned sanctuary was popular in antiquity and was a place of pilgrimage.

Gokta waterfall

Gokta falls from a height of 771m in a double cascade. The most beautiful sight here during the heavy rains. A rain forest grows near the waterfall, in which hummingbirds, toucans, spectacled bears and other rare animals live. The waterfall was discovered in the Amazon basin in 2002. In the nearby villages of Coca or Cocachimba, you can take a guide to hike up to the waterfall.

Andean candelabrum

The Paracas Peninsula features a huge geoglyph candelabrum. Its length is 128m and width is 70m. The location of the drawing on the Pacific coast allowed archaeologists to assume that it served as a lighthouse and was made much later than the Nazca drawings. In the nearby town of Pisco there is a boat for a trip to another Peruvian mystery.

Inca Trail

Active tourism enthusiasts can hike along the Inca Trail. It stretches for 39 km and was used by the Indians exclusively for religious purposes. This route is one of the five best in the world. It passes through cloudy forests to the summit of Machu Picchu, includes a change in climatic zones and requires preliminary acclimatization.

Manu National Park

The Manu Conservation Park is divided into three zones: open for visits, scientific and main, where there is no access. A huge number of species of birds, mammals, insects and plants live on the territory of the reserve. The reserve organizes river rafting to the tribes of the Amazon, and also offers to spend the night on the territory in eco-capsules.

Oasis Huacachina

A little more than 100 people permanently reside in Huacachina. This is a real classic oasis with a lake and palm trees, located near the city of Iki. All around there are high dunes that attract buggy and sandboarding enthusiasts. Some of the dunes are up to 150m. The best time here is from May to August.

Chan-Chan ancient city

Chan Chan was an ancient metropolis. Its area is 20 sq km. Its clay walls were decorated with gold and patterns. Behind them it was possible to hide not only from enemies, but also from heat or cold. The houses had a ventilation system. Pools for collecting water, administrative buildings, temples have been preserved.

Plaza de Armas (Cusco)

Plaza de Armas or Plaza de Armas is the main attraction of the city of Cusco. Many hotels, souvenir shops, restaurants are concentrated on it. Here you can hear the sound of the largest bell in South America from the Cathedral. The square has preserved buildings of the colonial style and Inca masonry.

Lima Cathedral

The cathedral was consecrated in honor of St. John. Church construction began in 1535 by the conqueror of Peru F. Pissaro, whose sarcophagus is kept in the chapel. The building was destroyed by earthquakes three times. The current temple, built in 1746, impresses with its white and gold walls and gothic vaulted ceilings. There is a working museum inside the church.

Saxawaman fortress

The special masonry of the fortress is puzzling to modern researchers. They managed to lay out like huge blocks in a zigzag manner, as if adjusting the corner to the corner.Some lumps are much larger than human growth. Behind the three main walls in the center, the circle is the stone Inca calendar. A system of catacombs was discovered under the fortress, leading to the city and the temple of the sun.

Historic Center of Arequipa

The center of the second largest city is included in the UNESCO heritage list. Colonial-style buildings are built of white volcanic stone. Tourists are attracted by the Cathedral, the Santa Catalina Monastery, decorated with frescoes and paintings, the Casa del Moal mansion with a courtyard, Arms Square.

Maras Salt Mine

Near Maras, stone terraces have been preserved, which local residents use to extract salt. Salt water flows into artificial pools and evaporates naturally. If desired, tourists can participate in the mining process. In the dry season, salt is literally rowed with a shovel.

Ballestas Islands

The three rocky islands of Ballestas are home to penguins, sea lions, seals, boobies, pelicans, etc. Sometimes whales and dolphins come. You can visit here only as part of an excursion group. Boats run regularly from Pisco. You can't go ashore, but the animals are clearly visible.


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