Munich - Bavarian Museum City


The city sprawling on the river called Isar Munich is the largest in terms of area and population in the entire federal state of Bavaria... Munich is home to almost one and a half million indigenous people and almost two hundred thousand visitors who work in numerous enterprises of the amazing Bavarian city.


Munich landmarks

Short description

It should be noted that Munich ranks third in terms of population in Germany after Berlin and Hamburg, which does not prevent it from being one of the main tourist centers of the country.

Würzburg residence

Hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world come to the capital of Bavaria annually to not only enjoy the mass of sights, architectural and historical monuments and visit one of the many museums, but also to taste the famous and best Bavarian beer on the planet. By the way, it is in Munich that private breweries are located, which for almost two centuries have been supplying their products for the legendary Oktoberfest.

Having visited Munich, you can get the most complete idea of ​​what German quality, accuracy and order are. The city is home to a huge number of various research centers, universities and the largest state Bavarian library in the Old World, which can provide its visitors with more than six million publications. All this undoubtedly suggests that the best specialists in their fields live and work in Munich, and the educational institutions of the city annually graduate from their walls the most talented young people who, thanks to their education, find jobs not only in Germany, but also in all over the world.

Bavarian State Chancellery

Munich is a beautiful city, which seemed to be specially created for the comfortable living in it of the indigenous people. Even the climatic conditions in Munich can be called ideal for the human body: in summer in the city the temperature rarely exceeds 18-20 degrees Celsius, and in winter it does not drop below minus 3 degrees Celsius.

Munich - a short history

Munich is one of the few cities where the origin of the name is not controversial among historians and linguists. The word "Munich" comes from the ancient German word Munichen, which literally can be translated into Russian as "at the monks"... It is no coincidence that the name of the city came about: back in the distant VIII century, monks set up their settlement on the Peter Hill. The documents that have survived to this day speak of Munich as a city already in 1175. Although, its name can be found a little earlier - in 1158, but then it was considered something like a village.

Nymphenburg palace

1255 was a landmark year for Munich. The city and the surrounding area from this period of time began to belong to the legendary Wittelsbach dynasty, who managed to unite the whole of Bavaria in 1507. They ruled these lands until the 1918 revolution. Even today, the last of the Wittelsbach descendants lives in the Nymphenburg Palace, which is one of the most beautiful sights in Bavaria. Speaking about the history of Munich, one cannot fail to note the year 1810: in October of this year, the wedding of Ludwig I and Theresa of Saxony-Hildburghaus took place. On October 17, 1810, in honor of this wedding celebration, the first holiday took place, which later became known as Oktoberfest.

Munich in wartime

The first destruction of buildings in the city took place in 1916: then the French dropped three bombs from their planes on beautiful Munich at once. In 1933, not only Munich, but the whole of Bavaria gave the smallest number of votes for the party of Adolf Hitler, and this despite the fact that ten years before that, the famous Beer Putsch took place in the city: even then Hitler with his few associates tried to take by force power in the country. The tyrant did not forgive Munich for weak support in the elections, as early as the next year, by order of Hitler, on the night called "long knives", more than 60 Bavarian politicians were killed.

Izar gate

Munich nevertheless became the center for the NSDAP, the reason for this was not only the Beer Hall putsch and numerous murders, but also the fact that this city became the starting point in the careers of Himmler and Heydrich. Surprisingly, already in 1933, not far from the quiet and cozy city, where life was taking its course, a concentration camp was built in Dachau.

Reading all of the above, one can come to the conclusion that Munich was the den of the Nazis, but this is far from the case: in no German city there were so many protests and there were so many underground movements aimed at undermining the activities of the Nazis, as in the capital of Bavaria. One such organization, called the White Rose, allowed the American army to enter Munich in 1945 without firing a shot. Many participants in the movement gave their lives to ensure that the elite SS troops could not blow up the bridges. However, the bombing and artillery shelling from howitzers almost completely destroyed the city center with its unique architectural monuments.

The Propylaea Gate

At the beginning of the war, 815 thousand people lived in the city, just over 400,000 survived. Munich was one of the German cities in which a fairly large number of Jews lived... According to the most conservative estimates, already in the first years, after Hitler came to power, 9,300 people were killed, and this despite the fact that the total number of the Jewish community in Munich was 10,000 people.

Munich - today

To describe the capital of Bavaria briefly, alas, will not work. A huge number of attractions, including magnificent squares, the Nymphenburg Palace, St. Peter's Church, St. Michael's Church, the legendary Allianz Arena, a gallery of modern art - just a small part of the monuments of history, architecture and culture of the Bavarian people. Of particular interest among tourists is the Cathedral of the Holy Mother of God, which was built in the 15th century in the Gothic style. It is in this building in a black sarcophagus that the remains of Ludwig IV rest. The two towers of this magnificent cathedral are the symbol of the city. At the entrance to this temple there is a footprint, which, according to an ancient legend, was left by Satan himself.


If the paths brought the traveler to Munich, he should definitely visit the Azamkirche church, which, according to modern architects, is the best baroque structure in Europe. If you look at the tourist brochures around the city, which provides its visitors with various agencies and hotels in Munich, we can conclude that the capital of Bavaria is rightfully considered a city of museums. The most beautiful of them, which contain unique and priceless exhibits, are the Glyptotek, the old and new Pinakothek. They were created during the reign of Louis I of Bavaria. By the way, the old Pinakothek, along with the Nymphenburg Palace, is the most visited place in Munich... It contains more than 9 thousand paintings belonging to the brushes of the greatest artists of the past centuries. One of them has no price - this is the legendary "Madonna and Child", written by Leonardo da Vinci.

Of particular interest to football fans is the famous Allianz Arena, which is the home stadium for the formidable Munich club Bayern Munich. Whole families travel to Munich: regardless of age, everyone will find something interesting for themselves in this city. Children, as well as adults, will simply be delighted with visiting the Toy Museum.Among its exhibits are toys created by Ivan Steiger, numerous railways and a huge composition dedicated to the history and development of the Barbie doll, which once "conquered" the world.

Arc de Triomphe Siegestor

Munich - tourist note

For a traveler who decides to visit Munich and get acquainted with all its sights, it is best to take an air flight. One of the largest and safest airports in Europe is located just outside Munich. Surprisingly, even the airport, named after the famous politician, can be safely considered a Bavarian landmark. And how could it be otherwise: after all, in a year it easily serves more than 50 million (!) People.

When making a plan of excursions, you should know that in Munich, the metro is considered the main public transport: it covers almost all areas of the city... Wherever a person wants to get, he can do it by going down to the underground tunnels. In addition, the city has a well-developed tram network. If a tourist needs to travel to the suburbs of Munich, he can use the so-called network of fast trains, in other words, high-speed trains.

Blutenburg castle

It is not advisable to rent cars or use taxi services in Munich. Firstly, it will be expensive, and secondly, in this city, despite the huge number of highways with excellent road surfaces, the problem of traffic jams has not yet been solved. It is, by the way, typical for any metropolis. What can we say about Munich, about a city in which technological progress is moving by leaps and bounds.

Munich landmarks

Munich city on the map

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